AI Picture Books on Amazon
AI+Me is a series designed to introduce basic artificial intelligence concepts to young learners

Self-paced Courses

Self-paced online courses designed for students to take anytime, anywhere.
Lesson Plans

Lesson plans designed to be used with AI-IN-A-BOX™ (a Cozmo robot kit, a tablet, a X-box controller, and a laptop)
AI-IN-A-BOX™ Lesson Plans – Elementary School
These lesson plans requires the AI-IN-A-BOX™. In this course, students will learn five AI applications and create a project using Code Lab.
Exploring the Strengths, Weaknesses, and Ethics of ChatGPT (Grade 3-6)
Unplugged Lesson Plans

With these unplugged activities, anyone can learn the concept of AI easily without using a computer at all!
AI+Me Unplugged Lesson Plans for 3-5
These lesson plans center around the five big ideas in AI and use hands-on and "unplugged" activities to introduce young students about AI.
Teacher Training

Our online teacher training courses provide you with the basic information that you need to start your first AI class! Absolutely no prior knowledge required. We are here to help you get started!